The School of Computer Science Minhaj University, Lahore Headed by Dr. Bilal Shoaib  and duly coordinated by Engr. Shahan  Siddiqui(PhD Computer Science Scholar) Associate Head/IEEE-MUL Advisor organized a  gateway event on Feburary 6th  providing a mass opportunity for students to be benefited from the world’s largest association of technical professionals with more than 423,000 members in over 160 countries around the world(IEEE). The renowned speakers were invited to dispense latest details on "IEEE IAS National Workshop on Robotics and Industrial Automation.”
Dr.Shahid Soroya in his welcome address said,’’ it is a matter of great pleasure that the University is effectively and efficiently contributing in national efforts to prepare scientist and engineers at par with renowned world associations. Achieving the commencement of IEEE- MUL Student Branch has affirmed that our institution has made its name vibrantly in technological dimensions. I pray to Almighty for granting even greater success to MUL in its noble mission.”
Dr. Sajid Muhamood Shahzad vice chancellor congratulated the efforts of School and Science for opening doors to (IEEE) and stated,’’ we all know the field of CS & IT totally based on the practical grounds so the IEEE is the best-suited platform for MUL Students to enhance their professional and academics career.”
He advised the students of MUL to make this chapter active because this is one of the most positive elements of your academic career. From this platform, you will have the opportunity to meet industry's professionals that helps in building your critical skills outside the MUL classroom. You are now part of the international technical community. So join hands with IEEE – MUL branch to enhance your skill globally.
Mr. Muhammad Usman Younis while speaking on Latest Trends in Robotics and Industrial Automation with focus on Collaborative Industrial Robots and Cobots said,’’ it is difficult to predict the future, it looks very plausible that the “social skills” of cobots will end up making them more popular than the industrial robots in the long term. Right now they might appear to be small ponies, but one-day cobots could become the versatile and powerful work horses of the factory.”
Dr. Yasir Niaz Khan while speaking on Robotics Revolutions in Pakistan said,’’ Pakistan needs to be well placed for this great revolution knocking on our doorsteps. Rather than be a consumer that makes us totally dependent, we must become a player and manufacturer of the new systems ensuring phenomenal economic dividends. There is a consensus in Pakistan that the software engineers we produce are not what the market demands. This mismatch needs to be corrected by a responsive, dynamic curriculum in our universities.” 
Dr. Muhammad Adnan Khan while speaking on the topic Bilateral Framework with evolving Artificial Technology in HealthCare Sector said,’’ Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies are increasingly prevalent in business and society, and are beginning to be applied to healthcare. These technologies have the potential to transform many aspects of patient care, as well as administrative processes within provider, payer and pharmaceutical organizations.”
 Dr. Syed Atif Mehdi while talking on Robotics in Agriculture stated,’’ fleets of robots can provide many advantages using a group of robots cooperating with each other to achieve a well-defined objective is an emerging and necessary concept to achieve the application of autonomous systems in daily agricultural tasks. The implementation of complex and expensive systems will be attractive for high-value crops for which smart machines can replace extensive and expensive repetitive labour. However, for a robotic agricultural application, considerable information must be processed, and a wide number of actuation signals must be controlled, which may present a number of technical drawbacks.”
Dr. Wajahat Mahmood Qazi while talking on the topic Politics and Economics of Artificial Intelligence said,’’ The implementation of AI and information technologies in general in economics, nevertheless, might change this situation for better. By modelling human behaviour, we can potentially estimate its impact on the real world. This will make it easier to identify financial bubbles and potential vulnerabilities in the economy, as well as to make better predictions.
The mega event ended with magnificent Robotic war among the Robots duly designed by the students of The School of Computer and Science.”
Dr. Shazia Shaib, Dean, School of Computer Sciences, Garrison University delivered quite a motivational speech and said,’’ your desires are messages of Divine. Imagination creates reality. Every image you see in your mind has reality. There is no limitation to your creativity and to dream big. Believe in the powers of your dreams. Chalk out planners to secure your future. Always be grateful to Almighty and he will bless you with bounties. 

The participants while expressing their views said,’’ we are highly motivated by the outstanding professional experiences and association with IEEE would open doors to excel in areas of specialization but also keep themselves abreast with the advancements in the digital revolutionary methodologies.”

School of Computer Science organized a gateway event on Feburary6th providing a mass opportunity for students to be benefited from the world’s largest association of technical professionals