Engineering & Technology


Founded in 2015, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Minhaj University Lahore stands as a testament to the institution's commitment to academic excellence and technological advancement. A milestone achievement was marked with the establishment of the School of Chemical Engineering (SChE), signifying a proactive step towards addressing contemporary industrial challenges.

The inception of the faculty was a response to the growing demand for skilled engineers in Pakistan's dynamic landscape. The Chemical Engineering program, introduced during the launch, aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Our faculty strategically collaborated with industries to foster experiential learning, and enabling the students to provide hands-on experience and develop innovative solutions. Since 2019, SChE has shifted the existing academic structure to Outcome Based Education (OBE) under the guidance provided by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). Initially, SChE secured PEC accreditation under level-I of Washington Accord, but later on with better understanding and the development of proper OBE, SChE has secured highest level of OBE, i.e., Level-II of Washington Accord, for its graduating batches of 2017 onwards.

Over the years, the faculty expanded its repertoire, introducing Electrical Engineering (EE) disciplines to cater to diverse interests and market demands. This expansion not only enhanced the academic offerings but also solidified the faculty's reputation as a hub for cutting-edge research and technological innovation. EE is a PEC approved program and was successfully launched in 2022.

Through its unwavering dedication to fostering intellectual growth, pushing the boundaries of research, and nurturing a new generation of engineers, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Minhaj University Lahore continues to shape the landscape of engineering education in the region, contributing significantly to the nation's progress in science, technology, and industry.


To create a revolutionary educational environment through the cultivation of research, creativity, and ethical engineering, and to contribute to worldwide advancement in the fields of Engineering & Technology while upholding the essence of local values.


To empower the future innovators and engineers through Outcome Based Education, cutting-edge research, and industrial collaboration. The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at Minhaj University Lahore is dedicated to nurturing talent, fostering creativity, and advancing technological excellence for a globally impactful society.


The Faculty of Engineering and Technology's primary goal is to cultivate engineers and researchers who possess the necessary knowledge and expertise to effectively address the ever-changing demands of dynamic engineering fields. To attain this mission, a dedicated team of highly qualified faculty members is committed to train the students who aspire to embrace engineering as their profession. Complementing the academic program, our well-equipped laboratories enrich the practical dimension of the discipline, nurturing hands-on skills in prospective engineers and researchers. Within the Faculty of Engineering, esteemed research groups are engaged in extensive applied research, tackling both innovative concepts and real-world industrial issues. These endeavors are closely coordinated with research and development organizations as well as industries, supported by national and international funding agencies. Presently, the Faculty of Engineering extends programs in Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Environmental Sciences with plans to introduce additional disciplines soon. By imparting a solid foundation in fundamental concept and analytical tools within contemporary engineering realms, students are meticulously prepared for careers in either industry or research. The Faculty's overarching vision revolves around contributing to the country's knowledge-based economy. This aspiration hinges on fostering adept professionals who possess inquisitive minds, a continuous learning ethos, and unwavering ethical standards—individuals fully poised to embrace and surmount the engineering challenges prevalent in our society.