Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) and Center of Research & Development (CRD) MUL has premeditated a series of webinars for researchers (faculty, M.phil, and PhD students). In this concern, the initial webinar on Research Assessment utilizing Social Media Contents was held on June 5th(2020) hosted by Dr.Umber Noreen, Director(ORIC). The core themes of the webinar were to elevate the concepts,” Almetrics” formulating the contemporary way to study science by leveraging social media engagements on scientific literature.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shahid Soroya, Pro-Vice-Chancellor(MUL) hailed the undertakings of ORIC and QEC to instigate the stride of dispensing education in amidst of COVID(19) through a series of webinars. He paid vibrant homage to Dr. Saeed UL Hassan, Associate Professor, Information Technology University, Lahore for his substantial research work. He wielded him in outstanding reverence to economize on his precious time for such an imperative topic and to share his familiarities and proficiency.
 Dr. Saeed -ul-Hasan said,’’ this webinar intends for to scrutinize how data induced by social media platforms can be utilized to endorse social research and computation. He well embellished the vision to incorporate a general critique of all the probabilities reproduced by social media data with an empirical questioning validating the feasibility of some outcomes by centralizing on the procedure of Scientometric labs, Publications Journey, how to interact with the international community, how to validate your research work, Biblomatrics, peer reviews and intuition of citation, and explained in-depth the theory of the weight of Qualitative vs Quantitative data.
He while deciphering the word Al Metric said,’’ The term "Altmetrics" is short for "Alternative metrics." These are a spectrum of nontraditional metrics that can be utilized to examine the consequence that scholars have on research in their regions of study. They can encompass the quantity of article downloads, citation of research in online news/social media.
 While communicating on Social media engagements notion It is some form of interaction between the customer and the denomination, which takes place within social media networks. Thus, When we talk about such a liaison we have to take into deliberation the positive evolutions of users as a consequence on any brand’s engagement schemes. In this context, he also interpreted the reliability of data analysis through numerous normals of social media tools and indexed the tweeter most reliable. He also quoted that to comprehend the problematic research work due to language obstacles one may wield Eurek Alert Sites which advances you the alternative to research in layman's language.
The partakers and onlookers commended the productive tips furnished by Dr. Saeed-ul- Hassan and also opined that indeed Minhaj University owes a full prestige for online classes, virtual and webinars in this critical and distressful turmoil which the nation and students passing through.

Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) and Center of Research & Development (CRD) MUL has premeditated a series of webinars for researchers (faculty, M.phil, and PhD students). In this concern, the initial webinar on Research Assessment utilizing Social Media