Dr. Hira Muzzamal

Dr. Hira Muzzamal
( Assistant Professor )

Contact Details

  • Ph.D., University of the Punjab, Lahore. (2020)
  • M.Phil , University of the Punjab, Lahore (2012)
  • M. Sc, University of thePunjab (2010)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Gene cloning and characterization of Tk1281, a flap endonuclease 1 from Thermococcus kodakaraensis
Journal Name: Folia Microbiologica
Volume # 65 Page # 407-415 Year of Publication: 2019
Improvement of Bacillus strains by mutation for overproduction of exopolygalacturonases
Journal Name: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Volume # 54 Page # 509-517 Year of Publication: 2016
Isolation, identification and screening of endophytic bacteria antagonistic to biofilm formers”. ,
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Zoology,
Volume # 44 Issue # 1 Page # 249-257. Year of Publication: 2012