Dr. Muhammad Kashif Khan

Dr. Muhammad Kashif Khan
( Associate Professor )

Contact Details

Dr. Muhammad Kashif has an extensive university teaching experience of more than 15 years. He got the opportunity to teach Pakistan’s top-class universities. He has been nominated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) as a subject expert and the nominee for the Plagiarism Standing Committee for the University of Management and Technology (UMT). His area of interest for research and teaching is; Mergers and Acquisition, Risk Management, Corporate Finance, Investment and Portfolio Management and Corporate Finance. His research endeavour includes 25 research papers published in HEC recognized local and international peer reviewed journals and few are in pipeline to be published. He is the member of reviewer of many international referred journals. He has been awarded with “Certificate of Excellence” by the Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting and Journal of Economics, Management and Trade on remarkable contribution in reviewing the paper in 2019 and 2020 respectively.

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Management Sciences , Preston University Islamabad (2018)
  • Master of Philosophy in Finance , Iqra University Lahore (2010)
  • Master of Business Administration , Iqra University Karachi (2007)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
The Corporate Social Responsibility and It’s Impact on Financial Performance: A Case of Developing Countries.
Journal Name: Sustainability
Year of Publication: 2023
Impact of Debt Financing on Operating, Financial and Stock Market Performance: Does Economic Cycle Empirically Matter?
Journal Name: International Journal of Business and Management Sciences
Volume # 3 Issue # 4 Year of Publication: 2022
Foreign Exchange Markets, Behavior of Options Volatility and Bid-Ask Spread around Macroeconomic Announcements
Journal Name: Cogent Economics and Finance (Taylor and Francis)
Year of Publication: 2022
Purchase Intention and Customer Loyalty: Examining Moderating Role of Trust
Journal Name: Elementary Education Online
Year of Publication: 2020
Journal Name: International Journal of Management (IJM)
Year of Publication: 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Economy
Journal Name: International Journal of Management
Year of Publication: 2020
Ramification of South Asia Free Trade Agreement on Major Economic Indicators of Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Management
Year of Publication: 2020
Role of CRM Components in Creation of Costumer Loyalty in Islamic Banks: Examining the Moderating Effect of Muslim Religiosity
Journal Name: PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology
Year of Publication: 2020
Renewable Energy Products and Customer’s Purchase Intentions having Environmental Concern
Journal Name: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Year of Publication: 2020
Liquidity Risk of Conventional Banking: A Case of Pre- and Post-Financial Crisis-2008
Journal Name: Journal of Independent Studies and Research
Year of Publication: 2020
The Impact of Merger & Acquisition Firms on Stock Market Bubble
Journal Name: Global Regional Review
Year of Publication: 2019
The Relentlessness of Credit Risk in Islamic and Conventional Banking of Pakistan
Journal Name: Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences
Year of Publication: 2018
Renewable Energy Products and Customer’s Purchase Intentions having Environmental Concern
Journal Name: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Examining Mediating Effect of Customer Satisfaction among Factors of Service Quality and Purchase Intention
Journal Name: Competitive Education Research Journal