Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid

Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid
( Assistant Professor )

Contact Details

  • PhD, Minhaj University Lahore (2022)
  • M.Phil , Minhaj University Lahore (2012)
  • LLB, University of the Punjab (2011)
  • MA, AIOU (2010)
  • MA, BZU (2009)
  • BA, University of the Punjab (2006)
  • FA, BISE Lahore (2004)
  • DCS, Govt. Islamia College Kasur (2002)
  • SSC, BISE Lahore (2000)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
The role of ethnicity in Sindh(a case study of MQM)
Journal Name: American Journal of Research Communication,
Volume # 3(4) Year of Publication: 2015
Socio-Political Culture of Punjab: A Case Study of Caste.
Journal Name: Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences
Volume # 02
Hindutva: Impacts on Indian Muslim Community
Journal Name: Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review
Volume # 3(1)
Empowered Iran’ in a Complex Region (Middle East): Tehran’s Foreign Policy Challenges and Dimensions in 21st Century
Nuclear efforts of Iran under the shadow of US sanctions.
Journal Name: Global Security and Strategic Studies Review
Hegemonic Nature of United States with Tehran and its Impacts on Middle East (ME) Politics: A Critical Analysis.
Journal Name: Global Strategic & Security Studies Review
Shifting National Security Paradigm of Pakistan from Geo Politics to a Geo Economics Era.
Journal Name: Global Economics Review
Book review of Islam and Christianity,
Journal Name: Journal of Professional Research in Social Sciences
Pak – Iran Relations Challenges & Opportunities (1999-2013
Water Weapon Strategy & Counter Strategy 1949 – 1998 (Pak – India)
Saudi Arabia Watchman of United States Interest (2008 - 2016)
• Legislative Issues & Challenges to Minorities in Pakistan during (2013 - 2017) A Case Study of Christians in Punjab
• Socio – Political Realities and Impacts of Caste System in the Punjab: A Focus on Tehsil Chunian (District Kasur)
The Political Role of Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah Al-Azhari - an Analytical Study
• Center Provincial Relations in Pakistan: A Problem of National Integration
• Religious Extremism: A Threat to Pakistan’s National Security (2002-2018)
• Pak – India Strategic Relations and Its Impact on South Asia 2013 – 2018
• Nuclear Program of Iran and Challenges for Saudi Arabia (2010 - 18)
• Pak – Saudi Economic & Defense Relations (2013 - 2018)
• Comparative Study of Ruling Political PARTIES FOR Development of Democracy in Pakistan 2008 – 2018
Mid – East Peace: Possibility of Divide Jerusalem
• Role of External Powers, An Analytical Study of Pak – US Relations 2010 – 2018
• Critical Analysis of Nuclear Politics in South Asia: Case Study of Two Rivalry State 2008 – 2018
• Foreign Policy of Pakistan towards India during Musharraf Era (1999 – 2008): An Appraisal
• Vision and Core Values of Benazir Bhutto in Politics as Prime Minister of Pakistan
• India-Pakistan Nuclear Arms Race & Implications on South Asian Security (2008-2018)
India’s Trade relation with GCC States and its Political Benefits (2013-2018)
• A Problematic Relations between Washington & Islamabad (A Case Study of Pak-U.S Relation During Obama Regime 2009-2016)