Shadab Iqbal

Shadab Iqbal
( Lecturer )

Contact Details

  • Mphil, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab. (2018)
  • Masters in Sociology, Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab. (2013)

Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Family Institution: A Study of Socio-Economic Factors of Senior Citizens to Old Age Homes in Lahore
Journal Name: Journal of Social Sciences Review (JSSR)
Volume # 03 Issue # 01 Page # 261-269 Year of Publication: 2023
Unveil the Dilemma : Run Away Children
Journal Name: Global Social Sciences Review- GSSR
Year of Publication: 2022
Psycho-Social Impact of Covid-19 on Healthcare Workers of Gujranwala
Journal Name: Global Sociological Review
Year of Publication: 2022
The State Of Education In Pakistan From 1947 To 2019: A Content Analysis Of The Three Selected English Newspapers Of Pakistan
Journal Name: Elementary Education Online
Year of Publication: 2021