BS Chemistry


BS chemistry provides a strong foundation in chemistry and design methodologies that emphasizes the application of the practical chemistry on industrial scale. It is structured to furnish students with skills to enter the workplace well-prepared with the core competencies. This program offers a theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry to solve the problems in industry and impart a positive impact on society for better human life.


  • To deliver knowledge of chemistry from basic to advanced level.
  • To disseminate the understanding of the principles, techniques, and concepts of contemporary chemistry.
  • To prepare students to have strong hands-on-experience through practical.
  • To enable the students to effectively design and carry out independent research leading to new knowledge or a practical, applicable result.
  • To clearly understand the ethical conduct of research.
  • To understand and adopt the best safety practices in chemical research.

Career Path

  • Teacher
  • Lab Analyst in Scientific research organizations and agencies.

Fee Structure BS Chemistry

BS Chemistry
Duration 4
Total Semester 8
Total Package 624,304
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 37457 * 16
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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Scheme of Study

Semester 1

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 ENG100 English-I (Functional English-Compulsory) 3
2 ISL-101 Islamic Studies (Compulsory) 2
3 BSMEDI-LAB-102 Introduction to Computing 3
4 PHY103 Physics-I (Mechanics-I) 4
5 BOT-103 Botany-I (PLANT DIVERSITY) 4
6 CHEM-104 Chemistry-I (Inorganic) 4
7 Life-1 Life and Learning I 1

Semester 2

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 ENG200 English-II (Communication Skills-Compulsory) 3
2 BS201 Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) 2
3 STAT-202 Statistics 3
5 CHEM-204 Chemistry-II (Organic Chemistry) 4
6 PHY-203 Physics-II (Heat And Thermodynamics) (G-2) 3

Semester 3

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 ENG300 English-III (Technical Writing and Presentation Skills) (Compulsory) 3
2 Math301 Maths-1 (Algebra) 3
3 BOT-303 Botany-III (Cell Biology, Genetics and Evolution) 4
4 PHY303 Physics-III (Modern Physics) 4
5 CHEM-304 Chemistry-III (Physical & Environmental) 5
6 BIO-301 Functional Biology-I 3

Semester 4

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 ENG400 English IV (Advance Academic R & W) 3
3 CHEM-404 Chemistry-IV (Analytical & Bio) 5
4 PHY-403 Optics 3
5 401 Functional Biology-II 3
6 Math-105 Calculus-I 3

Semester 5

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 CHEM-501 Inorganic Chemistry 4
2 CHEM-503 Organic Chemistry 4
3 CHEM-505 Physical Chemistry 4
4 CHEM-507 Applied Chemistry 4
5 CHEM-509 Mathematics for Chemists 2

Semester 6

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 CHEM-502 Inorganic Chemistry 4
2 CHEM-504 Organic Chemistry 4
3 CHEM-506 Physical Chemistry 4
4 CHEM-508 Analytical Chemistry 5
5 CHEM-510 Computer Application in Chemistry 3

Semester 7

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 CHEM-601 Analytical Chemistry- I (Atomic Spectroscopy) 4
2 CHEM-602 Analytical Chemistry- II (Nuclear Techniques) 4
3 CHEM-603 Lab 2
4 CHEM-604 Organometallics 3
5 CHEM-605 Environmental Chemistry 2

Semester 8

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 CHEM-607 Analytical Chemistry- IV (Advanced Chromatography) 4
2 CHEM-608 Analytical Chemistry- V (Electrochemical Methods) 4
3 CHEM-609 Practicals Advanced Analytical Chemistry 1
4 CHEM-610 Advance Inorganic Chemistry 3
5 CHEM-612 Research Project & Research Report Or- Advanced Organic Chemistry 3
6 CHEM-611 Environmental Chemistry 2
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