M.Phil History


M.Phil in History program prepares the students with a deep knowledge of the subject and the ability to analyze critical situations of national and international level. In addition, through this program, students will be equipped with essential tools and techniques of research to become high-quality, professional, and dedicated historians.

Career Path

  • Research and Teaching in Academia (colleges and universities)
  • Museums, Libraries, and Heritage-related Industries
  • Journalism and Media Organizations
  • Non-governmental Organizations
  • Civil Services
  • International Organization and Think Tanks

Fee Structure M.Phil History

M.Phil History
Duration 2
Total Semester 4
Total Package 310,500
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 35688 * 8
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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Scheme of Study

Semester 1

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 HIST606 Hate and Extremism in British Punjab 3
2 HIST607 Case Study of any Era/Personality (World History/Quaid-e-Azam) 3
3 PKST609 Political Parties in Pakistan 3
5 PITMAN101 Pitman Training Course 1

Semester 2

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 HIST610 A Seminar on any Institution(Working of UNO) 3
2 HIST613 Modern Trends in Historiography 3
3 HIST608 A Seminar on the Seerah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 3
4 HIST601 Philosophy of History 3

Semester 3

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYPJ699 Research Thesis 3
2 HIST615 History of Punjab (1849-1947) 3
3 PKST610 Study of Colonialism 3

Semester 4

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYPJ699 Research Thesis 3
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