About the School

The School of Business & Management Sciences (SBM) is an immaculate and pioneer School of the Minhaj University Lahore. It is committed to delivering; innovative, high-standard, research-based quality education to its students in offering undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degree programs. The curriculum of our programs adheres to the guidelines furnished by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) and the relevant industry, however, special emphasis has been given to design the curriculum to create business leaders with high competency and professional ethos.

We have a dedicated local and foreign qualified faculty members having extensive professional, corporate, and university teaching/ research experience. The faculty is committed to impart world class quality education and inculcate professional attitude through an individual focus on students' abilities. They are highly entrusted with creating interfaith harmony; organize seminars, workshops, and conferences to develop analytical and intellectual thoughts.

Here, you will get the personalized guidance and all the facilities needed to excel in the field.

Head`s Message

Dr. Muhammad Kashif Khan

Dr. Muhammad Kashif Khan


I am honored to head one of the pioneer department of Minhaj University Lahore that is “School of Business and Management Sciences”. At our Business School, we are committed to provide a transformative educational experience that prepares our students for everlasting success in the ever-evolving business landscape. We believe in equipping our students with the knowledge, skills, research and mindset required to navigate complexities, seize opportunities, and create a positive impact in the world. Our distinguished faculty members, renowned experts in their fields, are at the forefront of business research and innovation. They are not just educators but mentors and guides, committed to nurturing intellectual curiosity, critical thinking abilities, and the development of your unique talents. We are proud that our graduates are respectfully running their businesses, serving in government and private local and foreign companies. In this regard, my faculty and I urge you to visit our distinctive learning community to see what differentiates us from our peers.

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  • To nurture a generation of entrepreneurs.
  • To teach critical thinking, theoretical knowledge along with practical market knowledge.
  • To train students with sophisticated technologies to become business leaders.
  • To make liaison with the industries for strong Industry-Academia Linkages.

Salient Features

  • Prestigious international faculty members.
  • Practical learning through case studies, workshops, industrial visits, and simulation models.
  • Well-equipped classrooms.
  • Research-based education.
  • The teaching pedagogy is reflective and focused on inquiry-based learning.
  • HEC/PHEC-approved curriculum.
  • HEC-approved supervisors.
  • Nine weeks of compulsory internship.
  • Modern teaching pedagogy includes case studies, classroom activities, video tutorials, group discussions, and instructional assignments.


  • University of Putra Malaysia
  • Tazkia University Indonesia


Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
The impact of Brand Trust, Love and Passion on Positive Word of Mouth
Year of Publication: 2024
Why not with the flow? a case of online shoppers in Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
The Impact of health, safety and environment on employees performance in developing countries
Year of Publication: 2014
Fair Recruitment & Selection procedures
Year of Publication: 2013
Does E-Brand experience matter in the consumer market? Explaining the impact of social media marketing activities on consumer-based brand equity and love
Year of Publication: 2020
Impact of Aesthetically Appealing Packaging on Consumer Buying Behavior: Moderated Effect of Consumer Attitude towards Hedonic Vs. Utilitarian Product Benefit
Year of Publication: 2018
Project Management
Page # 654 Year of Publication: 2023
Impact of work demand constraints on psychological distress through workplace bullying and personality traits: A moderated-mediation model
Journal Name: Frontiers in Psychology
Volume # 13 Issue # 1 Page # 1-17 Year of Publication: 2023
Corporate social responsibility and its impact on financial performance: A case of developing countries
Journal Name: Sustainability
Year of Publication: 2023
The Corporate Social Responsibility and It’s Impact on Financial Performance: A Case of Developing Countries.
Journal Name: Sustainability
Year of Publication: 2023
Mapping the relationship between virtual supervision, online program quality, and international student satisfaction in COVID-19 pandemic World: does e-learning quality mediates the relationship
Journal Name: Interactive Learning Environment
Year of Publication: 2023
Does board activeness strengthen the relationship between corporate ownership structure and firm performance?
Journal Name: Frontiers in Psychology
Volume # 13 Year of Publication: 2023
Impact of Debt Financing on Operating, Financial and Stock Market Performance: Does Economic Cycle Empirically Matter?
Journal Name: International Journal of Business and Management Sciences
Volume # 3 Issue # 4 Year of Publication: 2022
Does Business Cycle Change the Impact of Book and Market Leverage on Operating, Financial and Stock Market Performance: A Study on Sugar Sector of Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Business and Management Sciences
Year of Publication: 2022
Illegitimate Tasks and Employee Outcomes in Higher Education Institutions: A Test of Mediated Moderation Model
Journal Name: Elementary Education Online
Volume # 19 Issue # 4 Page # 3577-3590 Year of Publication: 2022
Foreign Exchange Markets, Behavior of Options Volatility and Bid-Ask Spread around Macroeconomic Announcements
Journal Name: Cogent Economics and Finance (Taylor and Francis)
Year of Publication: 2022
The Analytical Study of Iqbal’s Thoughts:
Journal Name: Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology
Volume # Vol. 20, Issue # No. 2, 30-38 Year of Publication: 2022
Industry 4.0 Barriers to adoption, circular economy capabilities and performance: a case of Textile sector of Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of cleaner production
Year of Publication: 2021
Islamic Literature and Mysticism:
Journal Name: Islamic Studies Research Journal Abḥāth
Volume # Vol. 6 Issue # No. 24 (2021): Oct-Dec 2021 Year of Publication: 2021
Examining the role of HR practices to get competitive advantage in the manufacturing sector of Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Public Value and Administrative Insight
Volume # 4 Issue # 2 Page # 144-152 Year of Publication: 2021
Food Consumption Behavior of Pakistani Students Living in China: The Role of Food Safety and Health Consciousness in the Wake of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
Journal Name: Frontiers in Psychology
Volume # 12 Page # 15 Year of Publication: 2021
Article Title
Journal Name: journal
Volume # 1 Issue # 1 Page # 2 Year of Publication: 2021
Relationship of Graduate Students with their Academic Supervisors: A Study of Public & Private Sector Universities of Pakistan
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research
Volume # 36 Issue # 2 Page # 241-262 Year of Publication: 2021
Article Title
Journal Name: Research Journal
Volume # 2 Issue # 1 Page # 22 Year of Publication: 2021
Volume # 12 Issue # 2 Page # 736-755 Year of Publication: 2021
Factors Affecting the Corporate Governance Disclosure: An Analysis of Manufacturing Companies in Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government
Volume # 27 Issue # No 1, 2021 Page # 3735-3748 Year of Publication: 2021
Purchase Intention and Customer Loyalty: Examining Moderating Role of Trust
Journal Name: Elementary Education Online
Year of Publication: 2020
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Financial Performance: Evidence from Pakistan
Journal Name: Academic Journal of Social Sciences
Volume # 4 Issue # 4 Year of Publication: 2020
Ramification of South Asia Free Trade Agreement on Major Economic Indicators of Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Management
Year of Publication: 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Economy
Journal Name: International Journal of Management
Year of Publication: 2020
Journal Name: International Journal of Management (IJM)
Year of Publication: 2020
Role of CRM Components in Creation of Costumer Loyalty in Islamic Banks: Examining the Moderating Effect of Muslim Religiosity
Journal Name: PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology
Year of Publication: 2020
Renewable Energy Products and Customer’s Purchase Intentions having Environmental Concern
Journal Name: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
Year of Publication: 2020
Measuring Financial Permanency of Firms in Emergent Economy: A Comparative Study on Financial Institutions of Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, Vol.8 (July/Aug 2020 issue) ISSN: 2321-3124
Year of Publication: 2020
Liquidity Risk of Conventional Banking: A Case of Pre- and Post-Financial Crisis-2008
Journal Name: Journal of Independent Studies and Research
Year of Publication: 2020
Presenteeism as a consequence of workplace bullying: Mediating role of emotional exhaustion and moderation of climate for conflict management
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences
Volume # 15 Issue # 1 Page # 143-166 Year of Publication: 2020
Smartphone Use and Academic Performance of University Students: A Mediation and Moderation Analysis
Journal Name: Sustainability,
Volume # 12 Page # 439 Year of Publication: 2020
Measuring Service Quality Perceptions of Customers in Hotel Industry of Pakistan
Journal Name: TQM and Business Excellence
Volume # 31 Issue # (3-4) Page # 263-278 Year of Publication: 2020
Examinings HRM Horizontal Fit Relationship with Organizational Performance: By Eliminating Methodological Concerns.
Year of Publication: 2024
The effect of terrorism on capital market returns: An empirical analysis of emerging market.
Year of Publication: 2024
Sufism and Five Pillars of Islam
Journal Name: Zoraiz
Year of Publication: 2019
The Impact of Merger & Acquisition Firms on Stock Market Bubble
Journal Name: Global Regional Review
Year of Publication: 2019
Value co-creation through actor embeddedness and actor engagement
Journal Name: Marketing Intelligence & Planning
Volume # 37 Issue # 3 Page # 271-283 Year of Publication: 2019
Total Quality Management Practices and Work-Related Outcomes: A Case Study of Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Volume # 36 Issue # 6 Page # 864-874 Year of Publication: 2019
"Impact of Bit coin in Developing countries Economy" to Journal of Management Research"
Journal Name: Journal of Management Research (JMR)
Volume # Vol 5 No 1 Year of Publication: 2019
The Defining Role of Environmental Self-Identity among Consumption Values and Behavioral Intention to Consume Organic Food
Year of Publication: 2024
The prevalence and effects of glass-ceiling in higher education: evidence from Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Effect of internal factors on profitability of conventional and Islamic banks of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Measuring market efficiency through calendar effect anomaly in different states of economy periods.
Year of Publication: 2024
Effect of Enterprise Risk Management on Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from Non-Financial Firms in Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2018
Job Stress, Happiness and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence Empirical Study in Telecommunication Sector Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies
Volume # 4 Issue # 1 Page # 7-14 Year of Publication: 2018
Analyzing the Working Relationships of Young Employees with Older Employees: A Case Study of Banking Sector of Pakistan
Journal Name: Pakistan Business Review
Volume # 20 Issue # 2 Page # 284-297 Year of Publication: 2018
The Relentlessness of Credit Risk in Islamic and Conventional Banking of Pakistan
Journal Name: Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences
Year of Publication: 2018
Impact of trait mindfulness on job satisfaction and turnover intentions: Mediating role of work–family balance and moderating role of work–family conflict
Journal Name: Cogent Business & Management
Volume # 5 Issue # 1 Year of Publication: 2018
Hospital Healthcare Service Quality, Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Investigation in context of Private Healthcare Systems
Journal Name: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Volume # 35 Issue # 6 Page # 1195-1214 Year of Publication: 2018
Perceptions of Fine Dining Restaurants in Pakistan: What Influences Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions?
Journal Name: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Volume # 35 Issue # 3 Page # 635-655 Year of Publication: 2018
How do investment banks price initial public offerings? An empirical analysis of emerging market.
Year of Publication: 2024
Why do firms decide to go public? A case study of Karachi Stock Exchange
Year of Publication: 2024
Measuring Workplace Spirituality and Employee Work Attitudes in Profitable Vs. Non-Profitable Organizations of Pakistan
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research
Volume # 32 Issue # 2 Page # 603-622 Year of Publication: 2017
Equating the Expected and Perceived Service Quality: A Comparison between Public and Private Healthcare Service Providers
Journal Name: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Volume # 34 Issue # 8 Page # 1295-1317 Year of Publication: 2017
Job Stress and Employee Creativity: The mediating role of Emotional Intelligence
Journal Name: International Journal of Management Excellence
Volume # 9 Issue # 2 Page # 1050-1058 Year of Publication: 2017
The determinants of cash holdings: Evidence from SMEs in Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Managerial perception toward Halal certification study of International food chains in Pakistan
Journal Name: Pakistan Business Review
Volume # 18 Issue # 1 Page # 179-195 Year of Publication: 2016
Impact of Leader-follower Interactions and Employee Satisfaction: Mediating Effect of Employee Empowerment
Journal Name: International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management
Volume # 3 Issue # (1/2) Page # 85-100 Year of Publication: 2016
Measuring Patients’ Healthcare Service Quality Perceptions, Satisfaction, and Loyalty in Public and Private Sector Hospitals
Journal Name: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
Volume # 33 Issue # 5 Page # 538-557 Year of Publication: 2016
Measuring Relationship of Graduate School Supervisees with their Academic Mentors
Journal Name: Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education
Volume # 7 Issue # 2 Page # 221-228 Year of Publication: 2015
Using SERVQUAL to Measure Perceptions and Expectations of Library Users: A Case Study of a Public University Library of Pakistan
Journal Name: International Journal of Management in Education
Volume # 9 Issue # 3 Page # 303-322 Year of Publication: 2015
Survey on Marketing Tactics used to build Private School Image and Increase Parents’ Loyalty
Journal Name: International Journal of Management in Education
Volume # 9 Issue # 2 Page # 180-199 Year of Publication: 2015
Proactive personality and ingenious work involvement: Evidence from not for profit organizations
Journal Name: Pakistan Business Review
Volume # 17 Issue # 3 Page # 681-699 Year of Publication: 2015
Effects and outcome of service quality and consumer attitudes towards Restaurant Brands: A study of Fine Dining Restaurants
Journal Name: International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management
Volume # 1 Issue # 2 Page # 187-202 Year of Publication: 2014
Assessing the quality of patient care: a normative decision view
Year of Publication: 2014
Post IPO Performance Analysis of Non-Financial Services Firms,
Year of Publication: 2024
Predicting Employees Turnover in Telecom Mobile Communication Call Centers of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2013
TQM practices in electric fan industry of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2013
Measuring Service Quality Perceptions of the Customers of Restaurants in Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2013
Factors Promoting Knowledge Sharing & Knowledge Creation in Banking Sector of Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2024
Measuring students’ perceptions and expectations in business schools of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2012
Examining the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral responses – comparison between public and private sector banks of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2012
Answering the journalistic six on the training needs assessment of pharmaceutical sales representatives Comparative perspectives of trainers and trainees
Year of Publication: 2012
Talent acquisition and technology: A step towards sustainable development
Journal Name: Frontiers in psychology
Volume # 13 Issue # 3 Page # 1-16 Year of Publication: 2016
• Research Paper on Empirical Relation among Fundamentals, Uncertainty and Investor Sentiments: Evidence of Karachi Stock Exchange
Marketing Management
Journal Name: Journal of Management
Volume # 45 Issue # 2 Page # 42-54
• Research Paper on Empirical Relation among Fundamentals, Uncertainty and Investor Sentiments: Evidence of Karachi Stock Exchange
Renewable Energy Products and Customer’s Purchase Intentions having Environmental Concern
Journal Name: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy
A Review of Successful Construction Project Managers' Competencies and Leadership Profile
Journal Name: Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering
Volume # 11 Issue # 1 Page # 76-95
Impact of trait mindfulness on job satisfaction and turnover intentions: Mediating role of work–family balance and moderating role of work–family conflict
Journal Name: Cogent Business & Management
Examining Mediating Effect of Customer Satisfaction among Factors of Service Quality and Purchase Intention
Journal Name: Competitive Education Research Journal
Managing Customer Citizenship Through Relationship Quality and Customer Perceived Benefits: A Multi-Group Study of Conspicuousness of Service Use
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