About the School

The School of Commerce and Accountancy (SCA) is one of the oldest schools of Minhaj University Lahore and is significantly famous for offering specialized programs in accounting, commerce, and finance. Our courses are market-driven and every effort is made to provide quality education to enable the students to compete successfully for jobs in the specialized fields. As a result, our graduates are successfully meeting job induction requirements in national and multinational corporations.

The SCA is also offering an excellent academic environment with the help of well-qualified, and experienced faculty who provide individual attention to students and provide counseling services for future life, state of art supporting facilities, advanced computer labs and a well-stocked robotic library as well.

All of the above mentioned educational facilities, and our research-focused and student-oriented environment is what makes us the first choice of education seekers in the field of Commerce & Accountancy.

Head`s Message

Dr. Muhammad Ishfaq

Dr. Muhammad Ishfaq


As the Head of School, I cordially welcome you to the School of Commerce and Accountancy at Minhaj University Lahore.

It is certainly an excellent decision to be at this prestigious institute as the school is providing an exceptional academic environment with the state of art supporting facilities, state of art computer labs and a well-stocked modern robotic library. Moreover, since the establishment of the School in 2005, the school has been at the forefront in providing the education of commerce and accountancy along with offering market-centered courses, professional grooming, and job placement opportunities in national and multinational corporations.

To be precise, it is the best place to expand the horizons of knowledge and prepare yourself to land the job of your dreams. You will find I and my faculty with you at every step of your educational career at MUL. Let’s see you at the campus.
With warm regards and best wishes,

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Preparing the students to efficiently handle, present and analyze the financial data.
Teach students to develop critical and decision-making skills and business competencies to make corporate decisions.
Train students with the knowledge of accounting, commerce, finance, communication, and teamwork skills for their professional growth. 
Grooming the students to efficiently implement data analysis and research techniques.
Preparing the students to work within ethical values for the betterment of society.

Salient Features

  • The school has highly qualified and experienced faculty graduates from reputable national and international institutions. 
  • Continuous up-gradation of its academic and professional linkages provides grooming opportunities to students.
  • Modern pedagogical methods make the teaching and learning process more participatory and practical.
  • Smooth liaison with banks and the corporate sector for internship and job opportunities.
  • Nine weeks of mandatory summer internship for undergraduates.
  • Contemporary pedagogy includes case studies, classroom activities, video tutorials, group discussions, and instructional assignments.


Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
The role of Open Innovation, Hotel Service Quality and Marketing Strategy in Hotel Business Performance
Journal Name: Heliyon
Year of Publication: 2022
Open Innovation Solution: New Model In The Hospitality Industry
Journal Name: Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Technology.
Year of Publication: 2022
Open Innovation Solution: New Model In The Hospitality Industry
Journal Name: Journal Of Hospitality And Tourism Technology.
Year of Publication: 2022
Does corporate social responsibility yield financial returns in Islamic Banking.
Journal Name: Social Responsibility Journal.
Year of Publication: 2022
Does Foreign Institutional Equity Participation Instigate Sustainable Corporate Investment Efficiency? Evidence from Emerging Economies
Journal Name: Sustainability.
Year of Publication: 2021
Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Financial Performance: Evidence from Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2021
Impact of Financial Knowledge and Investment Experience on Investment Decision Making with and without Risk Tolerance Mediation
Journal Name: in Journal of Enterprise Risk Management
Year of Publication: 2024
Physical Environment, Tangibility and Reliability as Antecedents of Customer Purchase Intention: Examining Mediating role of Customer Satisfaction
Journal Name: Hamdardislamicus
Year of Publication: 2019
Opportunities for Agricultural Trade in the Context of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Journal Name: Journal of Agricultural Studies
Year of Publication: 2019
Nurses’ Job satisfaction is burned out by their leaders and stress.
Year of Publication: 2024
The return and volatility nexus among stock market and macroeconomic fundamentals for China
Year of Publication: 2024
The Effect of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM) on Microenterprise Success: Moderating Role of Social Capital from Sabah State Malaysia.
Year of Publication: 2024
Measuring Technical Efficiency of Wheat Farms in Punjab, Pakistan: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach
Year of Publication: 2024
(Opportunities for Agricultural Trade in the Context of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
Year of Publication: 2024
Measuring Technical Efficiency of Wheat Farms in Punjab, Pakistan
Journal Name: Business and Economic Research
Year of Publication: 2024
The Role of Social Norm in Acceptability Attitude of Women Toward Intimate Partner Violence in Punjab, Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Financial Sector Liberalization and Efficiency
Year of Publication: 2024
Global Volatility Spillover, Transaction Cost and Foreign Exchange Markets
Year of Publication: 2024
The non-financial determinants of the financial derivatives’ usage within SME businesses in Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2024
The non-financial determinants of the financial derivatives’ usage within SME businesses in Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2024
The financial determinants of the financial derivatives’ usage within SME businesses in Pakistan. 
Year of Publication: 2024
Feasibility of Bay Salam Finance: A Survey of the Opinions of Stakeholders
Year of Publication: 2024
Feasibility of Bay Salam Finance: A Survey of the Opinions of Stakeholders
Year of Publication: 2024
Global Volatility Spillover in Asian Financial Markets
Year of Publication: 2024
Comparative Risk and Return Analysis of Islamic and Conventional Financial Institutions in Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Global Macroeconomic Announcements and Foreign Exchange Implied Volatility
Year of Publication: 2024
The Impact of Trade Credit on Sales Growth
Year of Publication: 2024
The Impact of working capital management on firms performance.
Year of Publication: 2024
Examining Employees Performance Appraisal Issues and Challenges in Banks Of Pakistan: Comparative Study Of Private And Public Banks Of Punjab Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2024
What are the Predictors of Performance Evaluation (Evidence from Colleges of Punjab Pakistan)?
Year of Publication: 2024
Which Factors Influence the Customers Switching Behaviour (Evidence from the Customers of Banking Sector of Pakistan)?
Year of Publication: 2024
Which Factors Influence the Economic Growth of the Country? Evidence with Reference to Pakistan,
Year of Publication: 2024
Do Mergers and Acquisitions Vacillate the Banks Performance (Evidence from Pakistan Banking Sector)?
Year of Publication: 2024
Testing the Weak Form Efficiency of Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE),
Year of Publication: 2024
Testing Purchasing Power Parity, A Comparison of Pakistan and India.
Year of Publication: 2024
The Professional Development of Employees in Banks of Pakistan: A comparative study of public and private banks in Punjab Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 2024
Moderating Role of Perceived Risk and Innovativeness between Online Shopping Attitude and Intention,
Year of Publication: 2024
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