About the School

School of Information Technology under the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology was established in 2005. Since then, the School of Information Technology at Minhaj University Lahore has proved to be dynamic and ever thriving.

Our programs and curriculums are designed to produce mavens who can propose, deploy and supervise information technology solutions; develop a concrete understanding of the changing needs in information technology and  meet the growing need for computer science/information technology experts in the rapidly evolving 21st-century economy.

In a nutshell, School of Information Technology aims to provide graduates with a solid IT base that will empower them to easily attain the increasing career opportunities.

Head`s Message


I am delighted to welcome you to the School of Information Technology at Minhaj University Lahore which opens exciting and challenging worlds in the domain of technology, research, and education. Here, we offer diverse degree programmes that help you to earn hands-on-expertise in cutting-edge technology. Our faculty and staff are dedicated to helping our aspiring students to become the technology entrepreneurs and highly skilled leaders of tomorrow. Furthermore, our primary objective is to guide students to effectively manage and enhance their abilities in the dynamic field of computing, including; the latest technologies in network, communication, and software technologies. I encourage you to visit the MUL campus and meet our faculty, I am confident that our conducive environment and comprehensive programs will meet your professional and technical aspirations.

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  • To help students in developing a broad career path in the information technology sector as a competent IT professional and an entrepreneur for socioeconomic development and office automation.
  • To deliver knowledge and hands-on skills in information systems and architecture analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance for IT industrial operations.
  • To apply cyber security concepts to technology pursuits to help secure people’s privacy and liberty and better their way of life.
  • To serve as a leader and an analyst to bring change to the IT industry.

Salient Features

  • HEC/PHEC-approved curriculum
  • HEC approved supervisors
  • Purpose-built campus
  • Computer labs for designing & development
  • Research computer labs
  • Domain expert faculty
  • Collaborative, constructive, and reflective learning techniques
  • Nine weeks of mandatory summer internship for undergraduates.
  • Contemporary pedagogy includes; case studies, classroom activities, video tutorials, group discussions, and instructional assignments.


  • Green Professional Technology, Lahore Pakistan
  • Green Train, Lahore Pakistan


Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Bayesian Sentiment Analytics For Emerging Trends In Unstructured Data Streams
Year of Publication: 2019
Comparative analysis of software process models
Year of Publication: 1970
Operating System Forensics Essentials:
Page # 02 Year of Publication: 2023
Intrusion detection using decision tree classifier with feature reduction technique
Journal Name: Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
Volume # 42 Issue # 2 Page # 30-37 Year of Publication: 2023
Load Balancing of Cloud Computing Service Model Empowered with Fuzzy Logic
Journal Name: Sir Syed University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology
Volume # 13 Issue # 1 Year of Publication: 2023
Stochastic Optimization Using Nomadic Computing in Big Data Analytics
Journal Name: International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research -IJSER
Volume # 13 Issue # 19 Page # 12 Year of Publication: 2022
Current Issues and Challenges with Scientific Validation of Digital Evidence
Journal Name: Review of Computer Engineering Studies
Volume # 9 Issue # 3 Page # 05 Year of Publication: 2022
Issues, Challenges and solution of Artificial Intelligence in Internet of Things
Journal Name: Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences Pakistan Coden: JNASP
Volume # 4 Issue # 1 Year of Publication: 2022
ML-DDoS. Multilevel DDoS mitigation in IoT using blockchain based environment
Journal Name: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Year of Publication: 2022
Physiological Computing | The What and How
Journal Name: Global Scientific Journals
Volume # Volume 8 Issue # Issue 1, January 2020 Page # 5 Year of Publication: 2022
Prediction of Bacterial Toxins using Machine Learning | A Review Paper
Journal Name: International journal of case studies
Volume # VOLUME 11 Issue # ISSUE 4 Page # 14 Year of Publication: 2022
Network Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning | A Review Paper
Journal Name: IEEE-SEM
Volume # Volume 8, Issue # Issue 8 Page # 10 Year of Publication: 2020
A Deep Insight into Signature Verification Using Deep Neural Network
Year of Publication: 2024
Issues and Challenges of Cloud Computing in Performance augmentation for Pervasive Computing
Year of Publication: 2024
Text File Encryption Empowered with Context Sensitive Grammar Approach
Year of Publication: 2024
Hybrid Database Architecture of Molecular Databases Management Systems
Year of Publication: 2024
Efficient and Robust Security Implementation in a Smart Home using the Internet of Things
Year of Publication: 2024
Comparative Study of Technologies and Intelligent Train Ticketing System
Year of Publication: 2024
Comparative Analysis and Handyman Services Application Development
Year of Publication: 2024
Diagnosis of Arthritis Using Adaptive Hierarchical Mamdani Fuzzy Type-1 Expert System
Year of Publication: 2024
Cyber crime_ Threats and solution
Year of Publication: 2024
A technical survey of an Automated Driving System
Year of Publication: 2024
Analytical Method to Improve the Security of Internet of Things with Limited Resources
Year of Publication: 2024
Diagnosis of Arthritis Using Adaptive Hierarchical Mamdani Fuzzy Type-1 Expert System
Year of Publication: 2024
Bayesian Sentiment Analytics for Emerging Trends in Unstructured Data Streams
Year of Publication: 2024
Understandability Assessment of Concrete and Parametric Test Cases with Respect to Time and Correctness Ratio Measures
Year of Publication: 2024
An Alternate Encapsulation and Implementation of DCCP for Multimedia Applications
Year of Publication: 2024
Routing Technique for inter Slave Bonding in Bluetooth
Year of Publication: 2024
Data Mining In Service Oriented Cloud Computing Architecture
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