About the School

The School of MLT was established in Minhaj University Lahore in 2015 with the aim to promote the needed knowledge and skills in lab technology and develop experimental learning and skills among the students. Since its establishment, the School has strived to improve its academic system and now enjoys a good reputation amongst the relevant institutes for innovative research and advanced education.

The School has qualified and committed team of faculty members to augment and strengthen institutional learning capacity and teaching standards. Our faculty is continuously involved to revise the curriculum accordingly to cope with the new developments in this area, and we are enthusiastically pursuing research projects of national interests. Resultantly, the School has a number of publications to its credit. Many research papers are published in peer reviewed international impact factor journals.

The School has also produced research and academic linkages with local diagnostic and research laboratories as well with various hospitals to provide excellent training and experiential learning to the students. On account of provided training, our graduates are fiercely competitive with others in the job market. Admirable career opportunities, therefore, await the graduates qualifying from our School. Furthermore, our alumni are working in different diagnostic and research laboratories, hospitals labs through Punjab Public Service Commission.

In a nutshell, our graduates are successfully able to fill up the existing vacuum of well-trained manpower in the sectors of health and medical.

Head`s Message


In the light of passion and commitment to caring for others, we are whole heartedly dedicated to provide students’ the assistance and knowledge required to put their passion to work in the fields of Medical Lab Technology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology

This school provides a very favorable environment for undertaking teaching and has made a significant progress within a few years of its existence. With its upcoming plans and potential, the school will soon become one of the prominent institutions in the field of medical for the students and the people we care about.

With us, you will not only remain limited to books and theories, but your competency will be tested and you will be made into experts and professionals of the field. As the Head of school, I warmly welcome you to join us on this journey of dedication to mankind.

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  • Providing the needed skills for clinical laboratory procedures; proper diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of diseases.
  • Equipping the students with critical and analytical skills to advance knowledge in Medical Lab Technology and Clinical Laboratory Science to contribute to the professional challenges.
  • Training students in moral and ethical values to serve society and the profession with leadership skills and interdisciplinary team-building strategies

Salient Features

  • Highly qualifi­ed faculty members with practical and professional experience.
  • Research-oriented faculty members are helping hands with advanced research for students
  • Opportunities to conduct various health camps, workshops, and seminars.
  • State-of-the-art laboratories of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, histopathology, hematology, immunology, and biochemistry for students' hands-on experience.
  • Nine weeks of mandatory summer internship for undergraduates.
  • Contemporary pedagogy includes case studies, classroom activities, video tutorials, group discussions and instructional assignments.


Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Evolution of Efficacious Pan-Genotypic HCV Therapies"
Year of Publication: 2019
SPECTRUM - A MATLAB Toolbox for Identifying Proteins from Top-down Proteomics Data
Year of Publication: 2019
Phytochemical screening and evaluation of antioxidant, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and dermal irritant activities of Ranunculus laetus extracts
Year of Publication: 2020
Evaluation of antioxidative and antidiabetic potential of piper betle leaf in alloxan induced diabetic albino Rats
Year of Publication: 2020
BRH1 Alters Leaf Shape When Overexpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Journal Name: Sci China Life Sci.
Year of Publication: 2007
GaMYB85, an R2R3 MYB gene, in transgenic Arabidopsis plays an important role in drought tolerance
Journal Name: BMC Plant Biology
Volume # 17 Issue # 142 (2017) Year of Publication: 2028
Obesity a Key Risk Factor for off Springs with Diabetes Mellitus, of Type II Diabetic Parents
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Volume # 3 Issue # 2(2022) Page # 67-74 Year of Publication: 2022
Effects of gestational diabetes on mothers and infants in Pakistan review article
Volume # 7 Issue # 1 Page # 5-13 Year of Publication: 2022
Trypsin Inhibitor Isolated From Glycine max (Soya Bean) Extraction, Purification, and Characterization
Journal Name: Dose-response: An international Journal
Year of Publication: 2022
TULP3 NLS inhibition: an in silico study to hamper cargo transport to nucleus
Journal Name: Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics
Volume # 5 Page # 1-9 Year of Publication: 2022
Role of Medicinal Mushroom Lentinula edodes in Nutrition, Nutraceutics and Ethnopharmacology
Journal Name: Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
Year of Publication: 2022
Role of Medicinal Mushroom Lentinula edodes in Nutrition, Nutraceutics and Ethnopharmacology
Year of Publication: 2022
A comparative study of lipid profile among controlled and uncontrolled type 2 diabetic patients in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Journal Name: Pure and Applied Biology
Year of Publication: 2022
Journal Name: Review Article Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology
Year of Publication: 2022
A computer aided drug discovery based discovery of lead-like compounds against KDM5A for cancers using pharmacophore modeling and high-throughput virtual screening
Journal Name: Proteins
Volume # 90 Issue # 3 Page # 645-657 Year of Publication: 2022
Association between 17q21 Variants and Asthma Predisposition in Pashtun Population from Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Asthma
Year of Publication: 2022
In Silico Analysis and Function Prediction of Sr22 Gene Product as Stem Rust Resistant Protein
Journal Name: Annals of R.S.C.B
Year of Publication: 2021
Development of multi-epitope vaccine constructs for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) against USA human leukocyte antigen background: an immunoinformatic approach toward future vaccine designing
Journal Name: Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy
Volume # 21 Issue # 11 Page # 1525-1533 Year of Publication: 2021
COVID-19 and immunization gap in Pakistan: fear drives for forthcoming spikes
Journal Name: Public Health
Year of Publication: 2021
Phenotypic and Genotypic Evaluation of Antibiotic Resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii Bacteria Isolated from Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients in Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2021
A Computational Approach to Modeling an Antagonistic Angiogenic VEGFR1-IL2 Fusion Protein for Cancer Therapy
Journal Name: Bioinformatics and Biology Insights
Volume # 20 Page # 15 Year of Publication: 2021
Antimicrobial resistance vs COVID-19: A bigger challenge in the post-pandemic era!
Journal Name: Journal of Formosan Medical Association
Year of Publication: 2021
A Putative Prophylactic Solution for COVID‐19: Development of Novel Multiepitope Vaccine Candidate against SARS‐COV‐2 by Comprehensive Immunoinformatic and Molecular Modelling Approach.
Journal Name: Biology
Volume # 9 Page # 226 Year of Publication: 2020
Molecular cloning and characterization of an acidic polygalacturonase from grapes and its potential in industry.
Journal Name: Critical Reviews™ in Eukaryotic Gene Expression
Volume # 30 Issue # 5 Page # 411–425 Year of Publication: 2020
Analysis of remediation potential of whole bacterial cells on wastewater decolourisation and detoxification
Journal Name: Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology,
Volume # 24 Page # 101557 Year of Publication: 2020
COVID‐19 and Salmonella Typhi co‐epidemics in Pakistan: A real problem
Journal Name: Journal of Medical Virology
Year of Publication: 2020
COVID‐19 in Pakistan: Impact on Global Polio Eradication Initiative
Journal Name: Journal of Medical Virology
Year of Publication: 2020
COVID-19 in Pakistan: Current Practices and Associated Risks
Journal Name: Bioscientific Review
Year of Publication: 2020
COVID-19 and dengue fever co-epidemics in Pakistan: A dangerous combination for overburdened healthcare system
Journal Name: Journal of Medical Virology
Year of Publication: 2020
Paromomycin: A potential dual targeted drug effectively inhibits both spike (S1) and main protease of COVID-19
Journal Name: International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Volume # 98 Page # 116-175 Year of Publication: 2020
Escherichia coli signal peptidases cleave the signal sequence of TK0522, a carbohydrate esterase from hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis.
Year of Publication: 2024
Prevalence of HCV genotypes in Pakistan; Current scenario and review of literature
Journal Name: Mary Ann liebert (Viral Immunology)
Year of Publication: 2019
Characterization of recombinant endo-1,4-β-xylanase of Bacillus halodurans C-125 and rational identification of hot spot amino acid residues responsible for enhancing thermostability by an in-silico approach.
Journal Name: Molecular Biology Reports
Volume # 46 Issue # 4 Year of Publication: 2019
Bacterial expression and characterization of recombinant β-xylosidase from the thermophilic xylanolytic bacterium Bacillus sp.
Journal Name: Critical Reviews™ in Eukaryotic Gene Expression.
Volume # 29 Issue # 4 Page # 305-317 Year of Publication: 2019
Gene cloning and characterization of Tk1281, a flap endonuclease 1 from Thermococcus kodakaraensis
Journal Name: Folia Microbiologica
Volume # 65 Page # 407-415 Year of Publication: 2019
Mutagenesis of DsbAss is crucial for the signal recognition particle mechanism in Escherichia coli: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Journal Name: Biomolecules
Volume # 9 Page # 133 Year of Publication: 2019
Molecular detection of blaIMP genes In Metallo-Beta-Lactamase producing clinical Gram Negative Isolates
Year of Publication: 2019
Molecular detection of blaIMP genes In Metallo-Beta-Lactamase producing clinical Gram Negative Isolates
Journal Name: Clinical Laboratory
Year of Publication: 2019
Year of Publication: 2024
Year of Publication: 2024
Year of Publication: 2024
Year of Publication: 2024
Recombinant Tk0522, a carbohydrate esterase homologue from Thermococcus kodakarensis, does not require a signal sequence for translocation to periplasmic space in Escherichia coli.
Year of Publication: 2024
Prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Lahore, Pakistan on the basis of staphlococcal protein a (spa) typing.
Year of Publication: 2024
Citric Acid Functionalized Bougainvillea spectabilis: a Novel, Sustainable, and Cost-effective Biosorbent for Removal of Heavy Metal (Pb2+) from Waste Water
Year of Publication: 2024
A novel biosorbent B. Spectabilisis stalks leaves for removal of Cd(II) and Cu(II) from wastewater.
Year of Publication: 2024
Correlation between Biochemical and Anti-Oxidative status in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Update from Lahore, Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Soluble production of human recombinant VEGF-A121 by using SUMO fusion technology in Escherichia coli
Journal Name: Molecular Biotechnology
Volume # 60 Issue # 8 Page # 585-594 Year of Publication: 2018
Synthesis, in vitro and in silico studies of S-alkylated 5-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4-phenyl-4H-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiols as cholinesterase inhibitors"
Year of Publication: 2024
Functional characterization of cotton GaMYB62L in Arabidopsis
Journal Name: PLoS ONE
Volume # 1 Issue # 12 Year of Publication: 2017
Molecular characterization, structural modeling, and evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Basrai Thaumatin-like protein against fungal infection
Journal Name: BioMed Research International
Volume # 1 Issue # 9 Page # 504645 Year of Publication: 2017
Genome-wide analysis of the HD-ZIP IV transcription factor family in Gossypium arboreum and GaHDG11 involved in osmotic tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis.
Year of Publication: 2024
Salicylic acid-related cotton (Gossypium arboreum) ribosomal protein GaRPL18 contributes to resistance to Verticillium dahlia
Journal Name: BMC plant Biology
Volume # 17 Issue # 59. Year of Publication: 2024
Complete signal peptide of Tk1884, an α-amylase from Thermococcus kodakarensis, is not necessary for extracellular secretion of the enzyme by Escherichia coli.
Year of Publication: 2024
Seroprevalence of asymptomatic dengue infection in children in Lahore
Journal Name: Epidemiology and Infection
Volume # 144 Issue # 11 Page # 2276-2282 Year of Publication: 2016
Improvement of Bacillus strains by mutation for overproduction of exopolygalacturonases
Journal Name: Indian Journal of Experimental Biology
Volume # 54 Page # 509-517 Year of Publication: 2016
Glycosylated alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1 as a potential lung cancerserum biomarker
Journal Name: International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Volume # 70 Page # 68–75 Year of Publication: 2016
Synthesis, Spectral Analysis and Biological Evaluation of 5-Substituted 1, 3, 4-Oxadiazole-2-yl-4-(Piperidin-1-ylsulfonyl) Benzyl Sulfide
Year of Publication: 2024
Mass spectrometric identification, characterization and validation of haptoglobin beta chain protein as lung cancer serum biomarker
Journal Name: Molecular Medicine Reports
Volume # 12 Page # 3755-3762 Year of Publication: 2015
Association of FcγRIIa polymorphism with clinical outcome of dengue Infection: First insight from Pakistan
Journal Name: The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Volume # 93 Issue # 4 Page # 691-696 Year of Publication: 2015
Isolation and antimicrobial susceptible pattern of bacterial pathogens from ear, nose and throat of paediatric patients
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of medical and health sciences
Volume # 8 Year of Publication: 2014
Emergence of Vancomycin resistant enterococci in Peadiatric Patients
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health sciences
Volume # 8 Year of Publication: 2014
A study of joint hypermobility in school children of Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan: prevalence and symptomatic features
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Year of Publication: 2014
Potential of Bacillus cereus for bioremediation of pulp and paper industry wastes
Journal Name: Annals of Microbiology
Volume # 64 Page # 823–829 Year of Publication: 2014
Biochemical characterization of fruit-specific pathogenesis-related antifungal protein from basari banana
Journal Name: Microbiological Research
Volume # 169 Issue # 5–6 Page # 369–377 Year of Publication: 2014
Biological activity evaluation of cloned and expressed caprine growth hormone from local Pakistani goat breed-Beetal.
Journal Name: Int. J. Agric. Biol.
Year of Publication: 2024
Synthesis, molecular docking studies, and in vitro screening of barbiturates/thiobarbiturates as antibacterial and cholinesterase inhibitors”
Year of Publication: 2024
Synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular docking of N'-(Aryl/alkylsulfonyl)-1-(phenylsulfonyl) piperidine-4-carbohydrazide derivatives"
Year of Publication: 2024
Biochemical analysis and investigation on the prospective applications of alkaline protease from a Bacillus cereus strain
Journal Name: Molecular Biology Reports
Volume # 39 Issue # 6 Page # 6399-6408 Year of Publication: 2012
Isolation, identification and screening of endophytic bacteria antagonistic to biofilm formers”. ,
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Zoology,
Volume # 44 Issue # 1 Page # 249-257. Year of Publication: 2012
Isolation and biochemical characterization of bacterial isolates producing different levels of polygalacturonases from various sources”
Year of Publication: 2024
Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the TIFY gene family in response to drought in cotton
Journal Name: Mol Genet Genomics
Year of Publication: 2017
A novel GhBEE1-Like gene of cotton cause anther indehiscence in transgenic Arabidopsis under uncontrolled transcription level
Journal Name: Gene
Year of Publication: 2012
A Phi-Class Glutathione S-Transferase Gene forfor Verticillium wilt resistance in Gossypium arboreum identified in a genome-wide association study
Journal Name: Plant Cell Physiol .
Year of Publication: 2001
Assessment of Biochemical and Antioxidative Status in Patients Suffering From Dengue Fever
Association between 17q21 Variants and Asthma Predisposition in Pashtun Population from Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Asthma
Significance of Hepatic Profile and Malondialdehyde (MDA) as Marker of Lipid Peroxidation in HCV Patients
Characterization of a thermostable and alkaline xylanase from Bacillus sp. and its bleaching impact on wheat straw pulp
Journal Name: World Journal of Microbiologyand Biotechnology
Volume # 28 Issue # 2 Page # 513-522
Biochemical and Antioxidative Response of Asthmatic Patients Receiving Salbutamol
Development of Resistance Mechanism in Mosquitoes: Cytochrome P-450, the Ultimate Detoxifier.
Assessment of Lipid Peroxidation and Serum Electrolyte Profile in Epileptic Patients Exposed on Anti Epileptic Drugs
Evaluation of Triiodothyronine (T3) and Lipid Peroxidation in Hepatitis C Patients Receiving Interferon and Ribavirin
Interferon Induced Thyroid Disorder in Hepatitis C Patients.
Assessment of Prognostic Factors Associated with Anti-oxidative Status in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients Experience Surgical Trials: Comparative Study from Punjab-Pakistan.
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