PhD International Relations


PhD International Relations at MUL aims to offer an advanced and in- depth critical understanding of theoretical and practical aspects of defense, security policy, political economy, international law, regional and international Organizations.


  • To inculcate advanced research skills in the scholars
  • To enhance theoretical and conceptual understanding of the students
  • To promote interdisciplinary perspective among the scholars
  • To enable the scholars to grab the regional and global perspectives
  • To strengthen the critical thinking and analysis of the scholars
  • To reinforce the communication, writing and other soft skills of the PhD scholars
  • To help students in improving their professional development
  • To enable the scholars to contribute knowledge in the field of IR

Career Path

  • A PhD Degree in IR allows for many career options but the strong area is Academics as the traditional path for PhD in IR holders has been a professor at a university.
  • Policy makers
  • Analysts on current and political national and international issues
  • Researchers to address global Issues

Fee Structure PhD International Relations

PhD International Relations
Duration 3
Total Semester 6
Total Package 500,302
At Admission Time 28,500
Additional Charges at the time of Admission 2,700
Examination Fee 3,500
Total Amount (At Admission) 31,200
Installment 39609 * 12
Additional Charges at the time of Admission
Web Portal fee per year for Learning Management Syste 0
Library Security Fee (Refundable) 2,000
Student Card 200
Library & Magazine Fund 500
Total Additional Charges 2,700
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Scheme of Study

Semester 1

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 INTR701 International Relations; Advanced Theory and Practice 3
2 PGRM701 Advanced Research Methodology 3
3 INTR703 Contemporary Issues in International Strategic Environment 3

Semester 2

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 INTR704 Power, Interdependence and Transa-Nationalism 3
2 INTR705 National Security issues in Contemporary Pakistan (PHD) 3
3 INTR708 Major Issues Of Muslim World 3

Semester 3

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYP799A Final Year project A 3

Semester 4

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYP799B Final Year Project B 3

Semester 5

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYP799C Final Year Project C 3

Semester 6

Sr.# Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
1 FYP799D Final Year Project D 3
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