About the School

Library and Information Science is a profession full of people passionate about making a positive change in the world as librarians bridge the gaps that exist between people, information, and technology. School of Library & Information Science at Minhaj University Lahore, was established in 2012, with an aim to build proper foundations, impart advanced education in the field and prepare relentless educators. In this regard, BS, MLIS and M. Phil (LIS) programs were started in 2012 and with HEC’s approval PhD (LIS) program was launched in 2016. 

To be precise, we are relentlessly dedicated to work for the betterment of the community by providing excellent education of the field and supporting our students in conducting innovative and contributing researches. 


Head`s Message

Dr. Muhammad Naushad Ghazanfar

Dr. Muhammad Naushad Ghazanfar


Library and Information Science (LIS) is a field that encompasses the study and application of principles, techniques, and tools related to the organization, management, and dissemination of information. It plays a crucial role in society by facilitating access to knowledge and information resources, promoting literacy, supporting research, preserving cultural heritage, and contributing to lifelong learning. Overall, Library and Information Science connects individuals with knowledge, preserving cultural heritage, supporting research, and promoting information literacy. It serves as a foundation for the effective organization, management, and utilization of information in various domains, contributing to the development and advancement of societies. Here, at MUL, the School off Library and Information Science (LIS) offers a diverse range of career opportunities for individuals interested in working with information, knowledge, and technology. By the completion of your chosen degree program, you will find yourself with various job opportunities at; libraries, information centers, archives, museums, academic institutions, research organizations, and corporate sectors. As the Head of School, it is a proud moment for me to announce that throughout the years, our students have been handpicked as librarians, information managers, archivists, metadata specialists, digital librarians, knowledge managers, research analysts, and more. With us, you can also unlock your potential of being a leading professional of this field in no time.

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  • To teach students the application of library science's theories, principles, and practices to perform administrative functions required for the efficient operation of academic, public, special libraries, archival centers, and library media centers.
  • To integrate the concepts of intellectual freedom and information access in the physical design and academic context of the services provided in libraries and media centers.
  • To identify and implement practical uses of library and information technology media.

Salient Features

  • Smart classrooms
  • Fully furnished IT lab
  • Seminars, and workshops on emerging technologies.
  • Modern state-of-the-art Information Resource Center with Robotic Library.
  • HEC/PHEC-approved curriculum
  • HEC-approved supervisors
  • Online availability and contact to the department and university-related matters through Campus Management System (CMS).
  • Foreign qualified professors.
  • Focus on developing the research skills at an optimum level.
  • Research-oriented programs.
  • Nine weeks of compulsory internship.
  • Modern teaching pedagogy includes case studies, classroom activities, video tutorials, group discussions, and instructional assignments.




Title Volume.# Issue.# Pages Year
Knowledge sharing through Social Networking Sites
Journal Name: Information Development
Year of Publication: 2021
Factors Driving the Exposure to Information Sources
Journal Name: Information Development
Year of Publication: 2021
Understanding the challenges of e-learning during the global pandemic emergency: the students’ perspective.
Journal Name: Quality Assurance in Education
Volume # 29 Issue # 2 Page # 259-276 Year of Publication: 2021
Mapping internet literacy skills of digital natives: A developing country perspective.
Journal Name: PLoS ONE
Year of Publication: 2021
Identifying the factors influencing digital library use among research students: a case of National Digital Library of Pakistan
Journal Name: Digital Library Perspectives
Volume # 37 Issue # 3 Page # 192-208 Year of Publication: 2021
Green Computing Intent and Behavior of Pakistani Academic Librarians: PLS-SEM Analysis. Library Hi Tech.
Journal Name: Library Hi Tech
Year of Publication: 2021
Research Information Encountering and Keeping Behaviour of Post-Graduate Students of Social Sciences in an Online Environment.
Journal Name: Online Information Review
Volume # 45 Issue # 1 Year of Publication: 2021
Antecedents of Self-Disclosure on Social Networking Sites (SNSs): A Study of Facebook Users.
Journal Name: Sustainability
Volume # 13 Issue # 3 Year of Publication: 2021
Health Informatics: Use of Internet for Health Information Seeking by Pakistani Chronic Patients
Journal Name: Journal of Library Administration
Volume # 61 Issue # 1 Page # 134-146 Year of Publication: 2021
Interacting with digital contents: Understanding the on-screen reading behavior of young adults. Library Philosophy and Practice.
Journal Name: Library Philosophy and Practice
Year of Publication: 2020
From information seeking to information avoidance: Understanding the health information behavior during a global health crisis.
Journal Name: Information Processing and Management
Volume # 58 Issue # 2 Year of Publication: 2020
Reading habits of generation Z students in Pakistan: Is it time to re-examine school library services?
Journal Name: Information Development
Volume # 37 Issue # 3 Page # 389-401 Year of Publication: 2020
Predictors of information literacy self-efficacy among medical students: PLS-SEM analysis
Journal Name: Library Hi tech
Volume # 39 Issue # 2 Year of Publication: 2020
Understanding Information Behavior of Diabetic Patients: A Case of the Diabetic’s Institute Pakistan.
Journal Name: Library Management
Volume # 42 Issue # 2 Page # 1-21 Year of Publication: 2020
Exploring Users' Perceptions and Expectations about Library Service Quality
Journal Name: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries.
Volume # 9 Issue # 3 Page # 325-342 Year of Publication: 2020
Sentiment Analysis of Tweets through Altmetrics: A Machine Learning Approach.
Journal Name: Journal of Information Science
Volume # 47 Issue # 6 Page # 712-726 Year of Publication: 2020
Subject-Based Reading Behaviour Differences of Young Adults under Emerging Digital Paradigm
Journal Name: Libri
Volume # 702 Year of Publication: 2020
Millennials’ Reading Behavior in the Digital Age: A case of Pakistani University Students. Journal of Library Administration.
Journal Name: Journal of Library Administration
Volume # 60 Issue # 5 Page # 559-577 Year of Publication: 2020
Impact of personal and organizational factors on knowledge sharing attitude of university teachers in Pakistan
Journal Name: Electronic Library
Volume # 38 Issue # 2 Year of Publication: 2020
Extracting Scientific Trends by Mining Topics from Call for Papers
Journal Name: Library Hi Tech
Year of Publication: 2019
Does Postgraduate Degree Make any Difference in Job Performance of Information Professionals?
Journal Name: Library Management
Volume # 41 Issue # 1 Page # 14-27 Year of Publication: 2019
Information encountering and sharing behaviour of research students in an online environment
Journal Name: Aslib Journal of Information Management
Volume # 71 Issue # 4 Page # 500-517 Year of Publication: 2019
Factors Affecting the Motivation of Library Paraprofessional Staff Working in University Libraries of Lahore: An Appraisal
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries
Volume # 21 Year of Publication: 2019
Does post graduate degree makes any difference in the job performance of information professionals?
Year of Publication: 2024
Pakistani prison libraries: An assessment of services and challenges.
Journal Name: Pakistani prison libraries: An assessment of services and challenges.
Volume # 68 Issue # 1 Page # 47-59 Year of Publication: 2018
Do We Deliver What They Expect? Finding the Gap Between Users’ Expected and Currently Received Library Services.
Journal Name: Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal
Volume # 49 Issue # 4 Page # 12-24 Year of Publication: 2018
Scientific Collaborations Networks in Pakistan and their Impact on Institutional Research Performance: A Case Study Based on Scopus Publications.
Journal Name: Library Hi Tech
Volume # 37 Issue # 1 Page # 19-29 Year of Publication: 2018
What do they want? Millennials and role of libraries in Pakistan
Journal Name: Journal of Academic Librarianship
Volume # 44 Issue # 2 Page # 248-255 Year of Publication: 2018
Users’ Satisfaction as a Valid Measure for Information Resources: A Case of Public Libraries
Journal Name: Journal of Library Administration
Volume # 58 Issue # 3 Page # 302-312 Year of Publication: 2018
Librarian’s Perception Towards Research Support Services in the Universities of Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 1970
Application of Marketing Approach in Academic Libraries: An Exploratory Study of Punjab University Libraries
Journal Name: Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal
Volume # 48 Issue # 3 Page # 24-34 Year of Publication: 2017
Exploring the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Paraprofessional Staff Working in University Libraries of Pakistan.
Journal Name: library review
Volume # 66 Issue # 3 Page # 144-162 Year of Publication: 2017
Exploring the Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Paraprofessional Staff Working in University Libraries of Pakistan.
Journal Name: Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
Volume # 66 Issue # 3 Page # 144-162 Year of Publication: 2017
Perception of Library Administrators towards Managerial Skills in Higher Education Institutions of Pakistan.
Year of Publication: 1970
Academic integrity: Effects of demographic variables on student’s conduct.
Journal Name: South Asian Studies
Volume # 31 Issue # 2 Page # 423 – 438 Year of Publication: 2016
Emerging Trends of Acquisition in Public Libraries of Pakistan: Challenges and Issues.
Journal Name: Library Collections, Acquisition and Technical Services
Volume # 39 Issue # 1-2 Page # 40-44 Year of Publication: 2016
User's perception about central library services at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Year of Publication: 1970
Use of Facebook among Library Professionals in the universities of Lahore, Punjab.
Year of Publication: 1970
Student-teacher relationship and its impact on academic integrity: A case of the University of Punjab.
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries
Volume # 45 Issue # 2 Page # 41-48 Year of Publication: 2014
Role of Public Libraries in Economic Development of Pakistan: A Future Vision
Journal Name: Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal
Volume # 45 Issue # 1 Page # 3-8 Year of Publication: 2014
Human Relation Planning and assessment for automation in Academic Libraries of Pakistan: and overview.
Year of Publication: 1970
LIS Marketing Approach in Libraries: A Selected Literature Review.
Journal Name: Pakistan journal of library and information science
Volume # 44 Issue # 4 Page # 4-18 Year of Publication: 2013
Skills and Computer Self-Efficacy of Research Students: The Case of Institute of Pure & Applied Biology and Biotechnology, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan,
Year of Publication: 2024
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan Library structure, Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal,
Year of Publication: 1970
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan: Central Library-A case study. Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal,
Year of Publication: 1970
Objective Library Science IInd year (in Urdu
Year of Publication: 2024
Objective Library Science Ist year (in Urdu)
Year of Publication: 2024
Physics Ist year (Urdu Translation)
Year of Publication: 2024
Biology Ist year (Urdu Translation)
Year of Publication: 2024
Chemistry Ist year (Urdu Translation)
Year of Publication: 2024
Glossary of commonly used medicinal plants of Pakistan
Year of Publication: 2024
Library and Automation Primer
Year of Publication: 1991
Reading Trends of Youth in Pakistan: A Pilot Study.
Journal Name: Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries
Volume # 17
Exploring the application of extended 3ps of Service Marketing Mix in academic Libraries.
Volume # 52 Issue # 2 Page # 5-25
Use of Android Phone for study purposes among Students of Nishtar Medical University, Multan
Journal Name: Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal)
Emergency management in higher education during COVID-19 pandemic: A phenomenology inquiry comparing a developed and developing country.
Journal Name: Library Philosophy and Practice
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